Moneycast can turbocharge business performance for the better in several ways.

Improving financial processes

Without Moneycast

One finance team's terms for collecting aged debt was 45 days. It was a major focus for the finance collection team to reduce this across all vendors, but they lacked clarity on where to focus their time and resources for the maximum gain.

With Moneycast

The finance team was able to effectively analyse company processes across multiple data sources, including calls and payments, to rank and prioritise which processes to optimise to improve collection rates.

Increasing margins

Without Moneycast

The sales team’s data was limited to CRM data, that limited understanding of customer behaviour to what happened in the past. These data sets would often be incorrect or outdated. There were also problems accessing information about which types of prospects were converting the best.

With Moneycast

Using our platform, the sales team could connect cohort data from their company systems and combine it with their CRM to visualise the data to understand which customers had a propensity to pay more, improving segmentation and increasing margins.

Reduce churn

Without Moneycast

The product team focused primarily on aggregate retention efforts in a way that didn’t distinguish customers' touch points across the company and thus made it difficult to understand why users were leaving the service.

With Moneycast

By looking at multiple data sources across the business and using Moneycast’s AI recommendations, the product team could understand when customers were most likely to churn and what steps the company should take outside the product to reduce churn.

Customer acquisition

Without Moneycast

The marketing team looked at their spend budgets blended across all their efforts. It was tracked mostly at the top of the funnel and gave little clarity on how customers behaved across their lifecycles through the funnel.

With Moneycast

The leadership team could look at data visualised in a new format, reviewing and connecting CAC by channel relative to budget, and resize marketing budgets for more efficiency.

Operational efficiency

Without Moneycast

The engineering team was often missing deadlines, resulting in delayed products, which was costly to the business.

With Moneycast

The leadership team used Moneycast to combine data from engineering productivity, meetings and deployments to understand that engineering was spending around 18% of the time on non-engineering activities, duplicating team efforts. These insights allowed the engineering team to remove unnecessary work resulting in an increase in time spent on engineering activities.